Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Power Of Godly Words

”That’s Who My Daddy Was...”
Celebrating the life of Rev JB Killough 

Asking For Trouble
Adonijah should have recognized how fortunate he was to be alive after attempting to steal his father's [and his brother's] throne. But he did not. He foolishly asked Bathsheba to petition Solomon to give him David's concubine, Abishag. That was the last straw. Solomon sent Benaiah to execute him. Not reverencing Solomon's prophetic destiny was a fatal mistake. We’re so glad that our God’s mercy is so much greater.

1 Kings 2:15 - "Thou knowest that the kingdom was mine, and that all Israel set their faces on me, that I should reign: howbeit the kingdom is turned about, and is become my brother's: for it was his from the LORD."

Abiathar Was Deposed Prophetically
Abiathar the priest had loyally supported David ever since giving him holy shewbread decades earlier. But Abiathar foolishly joined Adonijah, who tried to overthrow David. A long-forgotten prophecy made by Samuel was fulfilled when Solomon banished Abiathar. Do not think that a prophecy spoken by the living is dead because the person who spoke it died. The prophetic word live on. Here’s an example. My wife’s grandfather, Bro Price Bobo, planted and pastored a church in Corinth, Ms. One Sunday morning in the summer of 1969 Bro Bobo preached as usual, then as service ended, he passed on to his reward. There was dear sister that lived next door to the church that had always prepared meals for Bro Bobo and served the Lord and the church faithfully. She was married to a hard man. She and Bro Bobo often tried to talk to him about giving his life the God, but refusing to listen, he’d just walk away. This went on for many years, but his faithful wife felt certain she had received a Word from the Lord that her husband would one day surrender his life to God. She held on to that promise and would often testify, “I have a promise from the Lord”. Her church family knew full well that promise was the saving of her husband’s soul.  Right before Bro Bobo passed he ministered to this dear sister telling her that God had confirmed to him of a surety, that her husband would indeed one day make his peace with the Lord. Many years passed. The year was 1994, my wife and I were holding revival in that same church, of course under a different pastor. During this extended revival this dear old sister, at nearly 80 years old, went on to be with the Lord. She, nor Bro Bobo ever saw the manifestation of the prophetic word God gave them. But three days after this dear sister was laid to rest, after service was well underway, her 80 year old husband, having not entered the church doors in over 60 years, walked into the sanctuary and found a seat near the back. As I gave the call that night, this man, broken in spirit, came forward, fell upon the altar and found repentance with God. We baptized him that same night in the lovely name of Jesus Christ and coming out of the uwater God filled him with His Holy Spirit. No, those that loved and prayed for him were not there to witness this beautiful transformation. But the prophetic word they had been given and spoken did not die with them, but came to pass in God’s perfect and merciful timing. The Word will (absolutely) accomplish where it is sent! 

1 Kings 2:26-27 - "...thou art worthy of death: but I will not at this time put thee to death, because thou barest the ark of the Lord GOD before David my father, Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD; that he might fulfil the word of the LORD, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh."

Solomon Prays In A Dream"

Solomon loved the LORD," and offered a thousand burnt offerings to the LORD in the high place at Gibeon. At night, the LORD appeared in a dream to Solomon, saying, "Ask what I shall give thee," to which Solomon answered, "Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?" God responded generously. Some dreams come from God and have authentic prophetic meanings.

1 Kings 3:10 - "And the speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing."

God Gives Wisdom To Solomon

In a dream, God asked Solomon what he desired. Solomon asked for wisdom to judge the people. God noticed that Solomon did not ask for long life, riches for himself, nor for the life of his enemies. God delights in granting your petitions that are according to His good pleasure.

1 Kings 3:12-14 - "Behold, ...I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee. And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches, and honour."

Your Children Released From Captivity

Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they [your children] shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to their own border.
– Jeremiah 31:16-17
Jesus  has redeemed us from the curse. Many of us have been well taught about that redemption where sin, sickness and poverty in our own lives are concerned. But we often fail to realize that redemption has power over the destruction the devil tries to bring on our children's lives as well.
Deuteronomy 28 states the curse of the law in verses 16-68. Notice what that curse says about children. "Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be no might in thine hand" (verse 32).
"Thou shall beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity" (verse 41).
Many Christian parents are still suffering needlessly under that curse. Their children are being taken captive by drugs, alcohol and perversions. But it doesn't have to be that way! Since Jesus broke the curse of the law, these parents have the authority in the Name of Jesus to order Satan out of their children's lives.
Don't let the devil run roughshod over your children! When you see the first warning signs of rebellion in them, confess the promises of God over them and refuse to give the devil any room to operate.
Remember, the children don't understand the unseen forces that are coming against them. So it's your responsibility to stand against those forces on their behalf. Exercise that responsibility. Then take every opportunity to minister love to them.
God knows how to deliver your children. Do your part and trust Him to do His. He will bring them back from the land of the enemy!

(By Sheila Ashcraft)

“Jump, Princess, Daddy's right here to catch you. Just close your eyes, run to the edge and take a big ole jump." Having taken a pretty terrifying tumble from Papa's huge mule, Ole Blue, at just 7 yrs old, I'd developed quite the fear of heights. In an attempt to help me overcome my fear, my sweet Daddy stood at the high end of Papa's porch, reassuring me. "Daddy's right here for you." It took a bit to gather what I believe was his courage rather than my own, but squeezing my eyes tightly closed, I ran. I leapt into his outstretched arms and of course... he caught me. Daddy always caught me at the scary places.
But that's who my Daddy was. 

Sitting alone in the Sunday School room (turned 'bridal-room' for the day), the door eases open, then softly closes. He just stands there looking at me for a moment, moisture gathering in his eye. He notices the nervous tear on my cheek and slowly steps forward, gently pulls me into his big, strong chest and just holds me a minute...or two. And he does what he'd always done... He prayed for me. Oh how he prayed! He cried with me, he was a strong man that way. "You about ready, Princess?" Standing just outside the closed doors to where the host sat gathered within the sanctuary, Daddy reaches up, dries my one last stray tear, tucks my arm into his own and reassures me, "Daddy's walking you down this isle today, but I'd never truly give you away! You'll alway be my Princess." 
But that's who my Daddy was.

Laying his hand on my husband's head as well as my own as we were being ordained into the ministry that would become our lives, Daddy seemed to see, like a film unfurling, the heartaches & joys that awaited us... and he prayed! Oh how fervently he prayed! More times than not, as we'd come and go on the evangelistic field over the past 4 decades, Daddy would repeat that initial prayer; anointing us afresh with his prayers for fruitfulness, strength and passion. Our hands reaching were his own. No matter where we were, we always went to bed at night assured 'Daddy was praying for us'. 
But that's who my Daddy was. 

So many memories, treasures. Too many to name, but not enough to end. Each of his children have our own special memories to add to the innumerable, hilarious shared ones that Daddy built into our lives. But what we'll miss most of all are his prayers. Oh we have the reassurance from God's Word that Daddy's prayers will live on forever, but we'll miss his hands holding us as he prays. We'll miss our visits that ALWAYS turned into Bible Study and a prayer meeting. We'll miss his well-used, hearty laugh, that permanent smile of his face and those shining eyes that saw thru any mask that tried to cover our pain or distress. Daddy knew. He always knew. 
But that's who my Daddy was.

I've never witnessed a love like Momma and Daddy shared. Never seen another human lay down their life like Daddy did for Momma in the years Jesus was getting her ready to go home. Her comfort, her joy, her peace was his own... And Momma knew that.
I've never heard a more sincere, yet 'polished' sermon; never been witness to more compelling or compassionate altar-calls than what my Daddy gave. He had an insatiable appetite for God's Word and knew it from cover-to-cover. Oh how he loved his God and the Word!  He passed that love to his children, to his so many, many more. But then...
“That's who my Daddy was!"

Three years ago today I said goodbye to my 'Champion', the one who introduced me to JESUS, taught me to pray, to persevere thru the tough stuff, to see the sun thru the clouds & to hold my head up high in humility...
But... that's just who my Daddy was.
Until we meet again...
(In loving memory of my precious Daddy, Johnny B. Killough)

Gored By A Rodeo Bull
God speaks in the operation room
This is the SUPERNATURAL!  
Tommy Wilbanks

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