Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Establish Thy Own House

“Changing Times - Unchanging God!”
By Sheila G Ashcraft 

Solomon's Wisdom Fulfilled

Two harlots approached Solomon. One's baby died overnight "because she overlaid it," but she secretly swapped it with the other's living baby. They argued about whose baby it was. Solomon called for a sword and commanded that the child be cut in two - half for each mother. One begged him not to. The other was smugly pleased. Solomon gave it to the first, knowing she was the true mother.

1 Kings 3:28 - "All Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged; and ...they saw that the wisdom of God was in him, to do judgment."

Solomon's Administration

Solomon's princes included Azariah, son of Zadok, prime minister; Elihoreph and Ahiah, scribes; Jehoshaphat, recorder; Benaiah, captain; Zadok and Abiathar, priests; Zabud, son of Nathan, principal officer and close friend; Ahishar, household governor; Adoniram, tax collector. Twelve food-service officers (one per month) prepared the king's tables and provided food for his horses and camels. Solomon wisely kept most of his father's key men (or their sons), which greatly strengthened his hand and reputation.

1 Kings 4:1-2 - "So king Solomon was king over all Israel. And these were the princes which he had."

An Established House

God stopped David from building the Temple because He wanted David to have a well-established house first. David's kingdom became very strong. Absalom and Adonijah would have destroyed David's kingdom and started from scratch, but Solomon built on his father's strong foundation with his father's good blessings. That made all the difference. Sometimes, change is needed, but not always. Sometimes, the status quo is better.

1 Kings 4:25 - "Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan even to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon."

Press In 
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly....
– Colossians 3:16
Things in this old world aren't getting any better, and in recent times, the Holy Spirit has been speaking an urgent message to my heart. He's been saying, Press in. Draw in to a more intimate relationship with your heavenly Father. If you don't, you won't make it. If you do, you will see more glorious outpourings of God than you can imagine.
That message isn't just for me. It's also for you—and for every other believer on the earth today. We are in the last of the last days of this age. Jesus is coming soon. It's an exciting time, but it's also a dangerous time. Those who don't do what the Spirit says, who don't press in to the Lord, are going to go from disaster to disaster. But those who do will defeat the disasters and turn them into glory, in Jesus' Name!
Your first step in drawing closer to God is to realize that you know God first in His Word. Time spent meditating in the New Testament is time spent with Jesus.
Most people don't realize that. So, instead of getting to know the Lord through His Word, they try to know Him through their feelings and that just won't work.
Letting the Word dominate your thinking is to allow the Holy Spirit to have control over your mind. As you do that, your feelings will eventually fall in line.
Remember this: John 1 tells us that Jesus is the Word. That means, when you spend time in it, you're spending time with Jesus. When His Word is dwelling in you richly, then Jesus is dwelling in you richly too!
Don't go from disaster to disaster. Take those disasters and turn them into glory, in Jesus' Name. Press in to Jesus. Press in to the Word and you'll make it through these dangerous days just fine!

“Changing Times - Unchanging God!”

49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.
51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.                       John 6: 49-51 

Yesterday, as my Pastor so ably ministered about God's divine and faithful care for His own during times of difficulty and hardship, he made a statement that seemed to fasten onto the forefront of my mind. He said, "We don't actually know what 'manna' was, but we do know it was God's perfect provision for the Israelite's survival". 
This morning during my devotions, I contemplated on this 'manna' in relation to God's provisions for us today. We've probably all viewed times of 'survival mode' with a certain amount of disgruntled-ness (to put it mildly). Much like the Israelites of old, we tend to forget the "sweetness" that can be found in our less than desirable circumstances. Can you imagine what it must have been like to witness water gushing from a rock?!!! 
Several years ago, while going thru an extremely difficult time in our lives, God gave me a dream. I dreamed I was walking a very dry, dusty road that seemed to stretch on as far as I could see with no relief in sight. Desert lay on both sides extending to the horizons. I recall feeling indescribably thirsty and desperate, when suddenly there was a sharp curve in the road. As I walked around the curve a huge rock lay directly before me in the roadbed. I fell to my knees weeping before this enormous rock, when the tender voice of The Lord spoke, "Extend your hands toward the rock". I obeyed. A geyser-like rush of water literally gushed forth from the rock washing over me. Other than completely satisfying my thirsty body and soul, I have no words to describe my feelings upon awakening from such a dream, only that it has never left me...that from that time to this I have been changed, somehow. 
JESUS is our ROCK. Our source. Our Jehovah Jirah. Our provision in times of plenty and in times like this pandemic when so many questions fill our minds as to what our tomorrows will look like. 
I've learned thru the years that it is often the difficulties of life that draw me nearer to the throne than at any other time. It is during these desert-like times of uncertainty that I have discovered an un-encumbered intimacy with my Heavenly Father like no other. An intimacy quite available during times of plenty as well. A permanent spiritual dwelling-place one need never vacate! 
I read (Ex.16:31) " tasted like honey..." The Israelites lived on it for forty years. Not much of a delicacy... unless they looked beyond the unassuming flakes to see the heart of the One who provided it. Sweet like honey. Jesus’ sustenance reveals the sweetness of His love for us...If we'll but stop, extend our hands toward Him, our Rock of Ages. We'll find His presence in our circumstances is oh, so sweet.
Whatever our circumstances, whatever the media may predict, whatever, whatever, has no effect upon our God or His ability and promise to always be our Jehovah Jirah!
May we learn to seek and praise Him in our desperately as we do in our times of uncertainties. May we seek Him in the sunshine, as we have sought Him in the storms. 

Written by, Sheila Ashcraft

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