Wednesday, April 29, 2020



Standing in the wind and soaking in nature’s beautiful display; albeit, this beauty and craftsmanship is what remains betwixt this latest rage of southern spring weather and the next, which has been estimated to strike at any moment now. As I stand, feeling the kiss of the wind and listening to the songbird’s melodies, I see a lonely fellow. The solitary brave heart amongst his kind, that is willing and able to take flight on this – the dreariest of spring days. As he soars, dipping and swooping, dancing in that same kiss of the wind, I can’t help but wonder at his courage. This winged fellow is the embodiment of perseverance, come what may he will yet soar. His comrades sing from the safety of their homes – those great and sturdy oaks. But he, instead, does not sing. He does not pretend that all is well. He embarks into the world, seeing what remains after the storm has spent its rage, and he is calm. I think I might do well to learn from this courageous, winged fellow. I too can sit from the safety of my home, afraid to step into the unknown, and ever pretending that all is well in my world. Or, I can step out from that place where I am most comfortable into the unfamiliar. That plucky, winged fellow is not ignorant. He is not foolishly brave. He has what I desire most – a constant, never wavering, never failing trust in his Creator. To have that kind of trust. Trust in the unknown. Trust without doubt. Just Trust (period). I could do well to learn his lesson. For no matter what storm may rage, it will end. And when it does, I will not pretend that I am unchanged. I will not hide away. I will instead, step onto that unknown path a new creature. For trials, they make us stronger. And as the clay must be shaped and molded into a beautiful work of art, so must we. This may not be my only storm. For a warrior is not made from a single battle. We must all face storms, and more storms. But all storms they do end, and when they do… Oh, the beauty that remains. 
My encounter with this courageous, fellow of flight has taught me much. I love to sing from my place of safety, but more than that I love to dance with my Creator onto the fields of the unknown trusting that He holds my hand and when storms come (as they will) He will never let me go. 
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7 

Solomon's Proverbs And Songs

Solomon continued in the tradition of David his father, writing proverbs and songs which glorified God. In all, he spoke three thousand proverbs and one thousand and five songs, each a proof of the gift of God upon his life. His wisdom exceeded that of all the other kings and wise men of his day, and his fame spread far and wide. Kings and queens all over the earth heard of Solomon's legendary wisdom, and many came to see and hear him.  King David prepared the way and equipped his son, Solomon to do and follow the will of God. We, as parents, should do no less. We have more capability, authority, and resources because we have been blessed to love in the dispensation of grace. Jehovah of the Old Testament is Christ “in us” today. “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”. (Phil.4:14)

1 Kings 4:29 - "And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart."

Solomon's Temple

King David wanted to build a glorious Temple, a permanent structure to replace the tent-like Tabernacle. God refused to give David permission, because he had been such a bloody man of war, but He prophesied to David that his son would build the Temple. Solomon fulfilled that prophecy.
1 Kings 5:5 - "And, behold, I purpose to build an house unto the name of the LORD my God, as the LORD spake unto David my father, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name."

Hiram Blesses The LORD

Hiram, King of Tyre, was a friend to David. He furnished most of the material for David's palace. When Solomon became king, he notified Hiram that he intended to build a great Temple. Hiram was delighted and committed to trade Lebanese cedar and fir timbers for Israeli wheat and oil. Hiram also provided much gold for the Temple. God often sends blessings by outsiders when necessary. Try this in talking to God, enlarge my prayers, friends, faith, borders etc.   

1 Kings 5:7 - "When Hiram heard the words of Solomon, ...he rejoiced greatly, and said, Blessed be the LORD this day, which hath given unto David a wise son over this great people."

Solomon Begins Temple Construction

Solomon drafted thirty-thousand men to prepare building materials in Lebanon. Ten thousand at a time spent thirty days there, followed by two months vacation. Seventy thousand bore burdens. Eighty thousand hewed great, costly stones from mountains for the foundation of the house. 3,300 foremen directed almost 200,000 men working on the Temple. Within seven years it was the most magnificent structure in the world, built to the glory of God. 

Some people can tell you exact details about their life and what God has blessed them to accomplish for His Kingdom. Converts can share how long and how miraculously they’ve been delivered from past addictions. Certainly, Solomon enjoyed and was overwhelmed with fulfilled purpose when his accomplishments were completed. We must give our very best to the call and purpose God has placed upon us today, so that we might be able to join Solomon in looking back and knowing we obeyed the edicts of our Heavenly Father. What glorious rewards await us. 

1 Kings 5:18 - "Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders did hew them, and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber and stones to build the house."

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A Word About Angels / OMBS7

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