Friday, December 13, 2019

The Veil

The Veil prevented anyone from entering the Most Holy Place where the Ark of the Covenant was. The
Veil was blue, purple and scarlet. Blue is the color of water, and red is the color of blood. Purple is the color of royalty - kingship. By the blood of Calvary and the water of baptism, the Son of Man, prince of peace, Jesus, was exalted to royalty - King of Kings.

Exodus 26:31 - "And thou shalt make a vail of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning work: with cherubims shall it be made."

The Brazen Altar

Everything that happened in the Tabernacle began at the Brazen Altar. Animals were killed and burned. Since the Garden of Eden, God has required death for sin. At the altar, the debt began to be paid, the blood was shed, and remission of sins became possible. Without shedding blood, there can be no remission for sins. This animal blood appeased God until the perfect Lamb was slain - Jesus Christ. ALL remission of sins ultimately comes by HIS blood. 

Exodus 27:1,8 - "And thou shalt make an altar... as it was shewed thee in the mount, so shall they make it."

The Court

The Tabernacle plan included only one entrance, and that was on the east side. Nearly all the pagan religions worshiped the sun god, facing east. God made them face west when they entered the Tabernacle. The single entrance typifies Jesus Christ, the ONLY door of our salvation. There is salvation in no other. We must turn our backs on all other gods.

Exodus 27:13-14 - "...the breadth of the court on the east side eastward shall be fifty cubits. The hangings of one side of the gate shall be fifteen cubits: their pillars three, and their sockets three."

The Priests' Holy Garments

A priest is an intercessor between God and men. From its inception, the priesthood was the highest office a man could occupy. Accordingly, God instructed Moses to dress them appropriately. Holy garments would be glorious and beautiful. Herein is a great precept. Our appearance should reflect our value. The world would have us "dumb down," dressing grungy, sloppily, like worthless creatures. God would have us look holy, glorious, and beautiful. Are you a godly person? Dress the part!

Exodus 28:2 - "And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty."

Praise Testimony 

Christmas Praise Testimony I have a “Praise Testimony” I want to share... A while back the Lord instructed the Pastor to teach us when we take up our offerings during service for us to start worshipping God as we give like we have never worshipped him before.  God started blessing our time of giving people are dancing, shouting, and worshipping God.  Best time of giving to God we have ever experienced and in doing that the offerings have increased tremendously!!! A few weeks later God spoke to our Pastor and instructed for us to give a sacrificial offering to God.  God was very specific.  Give to God what we would normally spend for Christmas!!! God blessed the offering tremendously... however , the Pastors mother went around the Pastors dad due to they give a certain amount to their grandkids every year.  The dad didn’t want to give it to God... Thank God for mother’s that obey God!! She gave the amount that they normally would have given six grandchildren!!! All that gave immediately started receiving more than they gave in various ways.  Double , triple and more.  The dad that did not want to give has just been notified that he not only is going to receive his already retirement from 2 companies, an additional company has notified him and he will start receiving retirement from them and retirement benefits!!! Hahahaha God gave the increase anyway!!! I don’t care who you are or where you are from , your title, etc you can never never out give the Lord!! Try rejoicing from now on when you give to God!!! 

Realize that God’s Word—His truth and the principles for a good life—just don’t always appeal to the natural man’s senses.  If we only did what our senses told us to do all the time, we’d end up flitting from one thing to the other without much direction—EVERYONE NEEDS DIRECTION!

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