Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Leaving the Pain Behind

In a worst case scenario, God still removes your burdens and blesses you. If you have a problem, He has a promise!  In a time of crisis, God cares! When you’re hurting, God is healing when you’re anxious, He will give you assurance. In time of lack, your Heavenly Father will provide. When you’re disappointed, He reminds you of your destiny! Even in times of death, the Lord will deliver you into His presence. So instead of fretting, focus on the Lord‘s faithfulness. Instead of pondering your problems, press on into His promises. And instead of wallowing in worry, worship your wonderful Deliverer.

PRAYER - “Pray First”


A predisposition is a pre-planned policy. David was predisposed to pray anytime trouble arose. Prayer should be our first recourse. It should be so embedded in our psyche that every time trouble comes, we begin to pray almost as quickly as a "knee-jerk" reaction. Pray before doing anything else.  I personally refuse to counsel anyone unless they assure me they have already prayed earnestly about their problem.


Psalm 18:3 - "I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies."


PRINCIPALS - "Promised Borders"


The land promised to Abraham extends from the Egyptian Nile and Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River. The Euphrates flows through Turkey, Syria and Iraq, merging with the Tigris down the Iranian border. Today, Ishmaelites are fighting viciously for it, but God promised it to Isaac (Genesis 26:3), and Israel (Genesis 28:13). This Biblical clash of civilizations is apocalyptic. Jesus and His immortals will slaughter Israel's enemies in "shock and awe" at Armageddon.


Genesis 15:18 - "...the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land."


PRINCIPLES - "What the Father Giveth"


What do you possess? God gave it. What do you lack? You may ask Him for whatever you wish. He will grant it according to His divine purpose and will. Nevertheless, the most priceless possessions are the things He sovereignly bestows. What the Father giveth defines your purpose.


John 6:37: "All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." John 3:27: "John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven."


PROPHECIES - "Sell Me Thy Birthright"


Maybe this doesn't look like a prophecy, but think about it. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of beans. Obviously, Esau did not comprehend the true value of a birthright. We are talking about divine posterity - something only Almighty God can assure. Let Esau's descendants rage! Jacob owns the blessing outright. A deal is a deal. Isaac laid his hand on Jacob and transferred it to him irrevocably.


Genesis 25:33  And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob

Leaving the Pain Behind not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].

– 1 Corinthians 13:5, The Amplified Bible

Have you ever tried to forgive someone...and found you simply couldn’t do it? You’ve cried about it and prayed about it and asked God to help you, but those old feelings of resentment just failed to go away.

Put an end to those kinds of failures in the future by basing your forgiveness on faith rather than feelings. True forgiveness doesn’t have anything at all to do with how you feel. It’s an act of the will. It is based on obedience to God and on faith in Him.

That means once you’ve forgiven a person, you need to consider them permanently forgiven! When old feelings rise up within you and Satan tries to convince you that you haven’t really forgiven them, resist him. Say, “No, I’ve already forgiven that person by faith. I refuse to dwell on those old feelings.”

Then, according to 1 John 1:9, believe that you receive forgiveness and cleansing from the sin of unforgiveness and from all unrighteousness associated with it—including any remembrance of having been wronged!

Have you ever heard anyone say, “I may forgive, but I’ll never forget!”? That’s a second-rate kind of forgiveness that you, as a believer, are never supposed to settle for. You’re to forgive supernaturally “even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).

You’re to forgive as God forgives. To release that person from guilt permanently and unconditionally and to operate as if nothing bad ever happened between you. You’re to purposely forget as well as forgive.

As you do that, something supernatural will happen within you. The pain once caused by that incident will disappear. The power of God will wash away the effects of it and you’ll be able to leave it behind you once and for all.

Don’t become an emotional bookkeeper, keeping careful accounts of the wrongs you have suffered. Learn to forgive and forget. It will open a whole new world of blessing for you.

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