Thursday, July 30, 2020

Healing always comes.


PRAYER - "Forbidden Prayer" 

It may be hard to believe, but sometime God does not want us to pray for certain people. Three times, Jeremiah warned, "pray not for these people." God knows every person intimately. He knows every nuance of a person's heart -- rebellion, hypocrisy, atheism, even blasphemy. Even Jesus only prayed for those who were given to Him. Don't waste time praying for the wrong people. Pray for those you know are given to you.

John 17:9 - "I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine."


PRINCIPALS - "Abraham"

Abraham was an Iraqi. He migrated to Syria. God called him to Israel. At least that is how it would look on today's map. God called Abraham to raise up a nation that would glorify Jehovah. He might have done it in Iraq or in Syria, but didn't. God planted Jews in Israel. Abraham would roll over in his grave if he knew all the hatred and warmongering among his grandchildren today.

Genesis 12:1 - "...the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, ...unto a land that I will shew thee."


PRINCIPLES - "A Bowl of Beans"

Look at the modern State of Israel. Then contemplate its 3600-year history. Scores of famous cities. Scores of great kings. Millions of people. The overall impact of Israel on the world stage is inestimable. Great scientists, inventors, financiers, artists, musicians, politicians, etc. Jews have played a major role in nearly every nation on earth. And Esau gave it all away for a bowl of beans.

Genesis 25:34 - "Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright."

PROPHECIES - "Go Not Down To Egypt"

Everybody knows about God's promises to Isaac to bless and multiply his seed and inherit the promised land. But God made important prerequisites to those prophecies. Isaac must obey His commandments, statutes and laws, AND he must NOT go down to Egypt. He must trust God during famine in the land. Likewise, we must obey God and be in His chosen place before we can claim His promises.

Genesis 26:2 - "...the LORD appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee 

I used to get upset over people I'd lay hands on who wouldn't get well. I was praying one day and seeking God about it when He spoke to my spirit and said, Healing always comes.

Can Strangers See Jesus in You?

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
– Acts 4:13

How would you like to be so full of the glory of God that it's unmistakable to those around you? How would you like for people to be able to know just by looking at you that you'd been with Jesus?  It's entirely possible if you are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. The same mighty power that changed you inwardly when you were saved can so revolutionize you outwardly that even strangers on the street will be able to see Jesus in you.
One of my favorite testimonies is the one of a lady in Maui who approached me in a flea market. I was sauntering from one booth to another, casually passing time. 
This woman walked up to Me and said, "Who are you?" Since I didn't know the woman, I was puzzled. "Out of all the people in this flea market how was it that you picked me out?" I asked.
She said, "The Lord told me to come to this flea market and someone would be here who could pray with me and give me truth.  I came here looking for that person. When I came here I noticed a beam of light and it was coming from you!" Immediately I spoke, “I can give you truth. Now receive the Holy Ghost!” She was filled immediately with our Lord’s Spirit. I invited her to come and learn about what she’d just received in the crusade I was ministering in at that time on the island. She came and brought three more people to our crusade. All three also experienced the New Birth experience of the infilling of God’s Holy Spirit and baptism in JESUS name. 
You might ask, “But what was that light she saw over you?” It was the glory of God! This was for her  benefit. It was shining from Heaven much like it shone from the face of Moses when he came down from Mount Sinai. And that radiant presence of God brought truth to that woman when we prayed for.
Just as it was unmistakably recognized that Peter and John had been with Jesus, so was the fact that we all, being FULL of Jesus can have a strong witness. Because of this recognition of God’s glory, when that lady walked up to me in the flea market she responded immediately to the message.
When you spend time with Jesus, it will be undeniable. His power and His glory will be reflected in you to the world. And His presence upon you will meet needs everywhere you go. Take time to be with Jesus today...then take Him everywhere you go. 
(Matt. 5:15-16) 
“Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”.

A prophecy came forth today?  Don’t listen to the news but listen to the good news.  For their news is tainted with fear. Lift me up lift me up I shall draw all me the evil men to judgement Lift me up I will draw the sinner man to salvation Lift Me up high reach higher. I send a healing through My Word. 

Leave a comment below about Gods goodness.


  1. Thank you Bro. Ashcraft for allowing the Lord to use you, in such a AWESOME way!

    This has been my prayer, for a very long time now.

    And HE has just used you, by having you send this message to me today.

    To "CONFIRM," that in which HE told me, while in prayer with HIM, that "IT IS POSSIBLE!"

    I so desire HIM, to dwell fully and completely within my life.

    That is ONE of my MOST desires, along with many others.

    But HE said, it does come at a price, that one must TRULY understand and that NOT many SEEK this from HIM, because of it.

    This is NOT something, that one can just do for a few minutes in time or just when one feels to do it.

    It takes dedication, endurance, obedience, faithfulness, trust and so much more...

    To have HIM, in such a MIGHTY way.

    And I struggled with this, because I'm NOT a Male, but a Female.

    And YES, I read many stories about Females, within the Bible, but...

    I don't recall ever reading of a Female being used, like a Disciple was used, doing miracles and etc.

    And YES, I know we are a NEW Generation, but it's always been Men, that have been used in a MIGHTY way, by the Lord.

    Yes, I've seen Women preach the word of the Lord, which was NOT seen back in them days, but...

    I've NOT seen ONE used "MIGHTY," by
    the Lord, like the Disciples were back then, ONLY Men.

    Now I know, "IT IS POSSIBLE," because you CONFIRMED it, once AGAIN to ME!

    Thank you again, Brother Ashcraft.

    And may the Lord Jesus bless you always.



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