Wednesday, July 15, 2020

God's natural medicine cabinet.

PRAYER - "The Sin of Prayerlessness"


The Prophet Samuel was a hands-on man of God. He worked intimately among the people, making intercession for them, and leading them into the will of God as a nation. Because of Samuel's powerful role, two kings, Saul and David, established the kingdom of Israel, and it became a great nation. He was driven by the belief that it was a sin not to intercede. Oh, how we need that same conviction today!


1 Samuel 12:23 - "God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you."




Nimrod was called "a mighty one in the earth," and "the mighty hunter before the LORD." His was the first kingdom mentioned in the Bible. It began with the Tower at Babel, then Erech, Accad, Calneh in the land of Shinar. Many outrageous myths exist about Nimrod, but nearly all references to him speak of rebellion. It is fair to say that Nimrod was one of the first to conduct military conquests and to be known as a tyrant dictator.


1 Chronicles 1:10 - "And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be mighty upon the earth."


PRINCIPLES - "Alternative Medicine"


The old-timers were probably right. Drugs and witchcraft are first-cousins. Nobody can know for sure just what can happen when molecules are manufactured in a laboratory. Harmful side-effects and reactions often result from pharmaceutical drugs. Illicit drugs regularly kill, addict, or sicken. Natural herbs contain God-made molecules that mankind has been accustomed to since the beginning of time. That is God's natural medicine cabinet.


Genesis 1:30:  "I have given every green herb for meat." Ezekiel 47:12: "...the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine."


PROPHECIES - "Himself A Lamb"


When Abraham took Isaac to Mount Moriah to make sacrifice, Isaac wanted to know where the sacrifice was. "God will provide himself a lamb," his father told him. Surely enough, the angel intervened before Abraham could slay Isaac, and a lamb appeared nearby as a substitute. This was powerfully prophetic of Jesus Christ. At the river Jordan, many centuries later, John the Baptist saw Jesus and exclaimed, "Behold, the Lamb of God!"


Genesis 22:8 - "And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

Feed on the Word!

Attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes.

– Proverbs 4:20-21

Once you’ve made the Word of God final authority in your life, your first step to victory over the attacks of the enemy is to go to the Word and lay hold of God’s promises concerning your situation.

Notice I said, “Go to the Word.” It’s good to have the Word committed to memory. But don’t let that substitute for getting the Word before your eyes on a daily basis.

Think about it this way. It never did a hungry person any good to think about what a potato tastes like. Not even if he could remember it perfectly. The same thing is true with the Word of God. It’s important to keep it in memory, but it’s also necessary to go directly to it and feed your spirit with it. There is power in keeping the Word in front of your eyes and going into your ears. That’s how it gets in your heart, so you can live by it.

So don’t just think about the Word today, read it. Go to the promises that cover your situation. Feed on those promises and grow strong!

Natural Healing

Here are 10 natural remedies created by God to help keep your body healthy:

  1. Aloe Vera – Full of vitamins and minerals, this plant also contains healthy enzymes which help soothe skin irritations related to sunburn, rashes, cold sores or other wounds.
  2. Honey – Packed with antioxidants, honey can also help counter allergies to pollen, soothe a sore throat, and suppress coughing.
  3. Anise – Help to aid digestion, increase urine flow, stimulate appetite, ease menstrual cramps, increase sex drive and improve lactation for breastfeeding moms.
  4. Elderberry – Extremely rich in flavonoids like anthocyanins which boost the production of cytokine proteins within the immune system and boost the body’s natural immune system.
  5. Basil – This herbal carminative relieves gas pains and soothes an upset stomach. Also contains eugenol, which has been proven to help ease muscle spasms.
  6. Garlic – Contains an amino acid called allicin which helps lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. Garlic also contains natural antibiotics which can help fight infection and boost the immune system.
  7. Bay Leaf – Filled with antimicrobial and antifungal properties and packed with strong antioxidants, bay leaf can help increase insulin function, reduce cholesterol, prevent candida, treat dandruff, and fight skin infections.
  8. Black Currant – In addition to being loaded with vitamin C, these berries are rich in anthocyanins which can help improve eye health and kill dangerous pathogens and viruses.
  9. Cardamom – Helps to lower blood pressure, aid in digestion, and provides 80 percent of your daily manganese requirements in only a single teaspoon.
  10. CBD (Cannabidiol) – Contains strong anti-seizure properties, helps fight anxiety, and works as a sleep aid, and contains strong anti-inflammatory properties.

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