Tuesday, December 31, 2024

OMBS7 plus 3 videos of healing

Jesus summed it up in one verseJohn 14:6 – “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” All of man's questions of life are answered in this verse.

When Thou Art In Tribulation

Just before the second coming of Jesus Christ, a time will come called "Jacob's Trouble," Daniel 12:1, better known as the Great Tribulation. This will precipitate a national spiritual revival for Israel. 

Deuteronomy 4:30-31 - "When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them."

Afraid To Pray

The Israelites were terrified of the voice of God that spoke from Mount Sinai. They asked Moses to relay their prayers. They promised that they would obey whatever God told Moses to tell them. God knew better. "Oh, that there were such an heart in them!" He promised many, many blessings if they would simply walk in His commandments.

Deuteronomy 5:27 - "Go thou near, and hear all that the LORD our God shall say: and speak thou unto us all that the LORD our God shall speak unto thee; and we will hear it, and do it."

The Lord Is One

Jehovah is not Allah. The Koran contradicts the Bible again and again. Both cannot be true. Let the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob be God. He is the only one, true God. He is a singular Spirit, ONE LORD, beside whom, there is no other. Jesus is the bodily incarnation of the one true God. Love Him with all your might.

Deuteronomy 6:4-5 - "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."

In Time To Come

Moses published the Ten Commandments the second time in Deuteronomy 5. He emphasized that God's laws, testimonies, statutes and judgments were the script for a holy nation to come. 

Deuteronomy 6:20-25 - "And when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What mean the testimonies...? Then thou shalt say unto thy son, ......the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day. And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments."

Jesus is rejected by His own people but embraced by those in need. 


  1. Good stuff! Please pray for my mom. Her health is declining

  2. Amen!

    Sincerely, Monica

  3. AMEN & AMEN.....AWESOME......


Finished/ 2 Healing Videos/ OMBS7/ plus Preaching

Just before he breathed his last breath, Jesus uttered the phrase “it is finished.” Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to ful...