Monday, April 22, 2024

Special Video/ OMBS7/ Resurrection Life

Exponential Potential

If I give you one kernel of corn, can you plant every kernel that may ever grow from it? One kernel produces one plant, but one plant produces many ears of corn with thousands of kernels. Here is infinite exponential potential - a world full of corn! Your godly, obedient act of faith has infinite future potential. Commit that act today!

Genesis 1:12 - "And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good."

The Fourth Day of Creation

The light God made on the first day was supernatural, not emanating from a natural source. Without it, the universe was totally dark. The sun, moon, and stars were not created until this fourth day. 24-hour days only began AFTER the fourth day when 100 billion galaxies with about 100 billion stars apiece were created. The first four days might have spanned aeons.

Genesis 1:16 - "...God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."

The Eye of God

The Hubble telescope photographed a Nebula called the "Eye of God." It looks like a beautiful blue eye surrounded by great luminescence. Actually, it is a gaseous tunnel almost a trillion miles deep. Another photo captures one entire spiraling galaxy sitting angular to another spiraling galaxy just behind it - all within a pin- hole view of space. I will live my life any way the Bible requires for the chance to see the One who created that. I've nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Genesis 1:16 - "...he made the stars also."

The Fifth Day of Creation

Yesterday was the last timeless Wednesday. The brand new solar system gives earth its first 24-hour day. Thursday evening, God creates every fish, bird, and water mammal. Overnight, the entire earth begins seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. Totally, inexplicably awesome!

Genesis 1:20,22 - "...God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven ...Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

Resurrection Life

Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.

- Luke 24:1-3


Truly, it’s time for us to stop looking for the living among the dead. It’s time for us to stop wandering around in the cemetery of sin, sickness and failure and to step into resurrection life!

As a resurrected creature, you’re no accident going somewhere to happen. Your life isn’t just a loose web of events and circumstances. God has specific plans for you.

Maybe He intends for you to have the greatest healing ministry of this century. Or perhaps He wants to turn you into a tremendous preacher. Maybe He has a revelation prepared for you that will enable you to bless the whole world. But you’ll never know what He has in store for you until you put your attention on Him.

That’s why the devil works hard to keep you focusing on the problems of life. That’s why he tries to keep your attention turned away from the living Word of God. He doesn’t want you to know you’re full of the resurrection life of Jesus. In fact, the prospect of it terrifies him.

Why? Because once you truly understand that you have the life of God inside you, you’ll begin to act just like Jesus did. You’ll lay hands on the sick and they’ll recover. You’ll cast out demons. You’ll preach the gospel to every creature.

In short, you’ll be just what God intended you to be. You’ll be the Body of Christ on the earth.

Don’t let Satan bind you with the grave clothes of yesterday’s sin and defeat. You’re not dead anymore. You’ve been raised with Jesus. Come out from the tombs and start living resurrection life!

Plan of Salvation read acts 2:38


  1. God is good Jesus love

  2. Amen! Thank u, Bro. Ashcraft 4 such a AWESOME word!

    May the blessings of the Lord be upon u & your family always, God bless u Bro. Ashcraft.

    Sincerely, Monica


Finished/ 2 Healing Videos/ OMBS7/ plus Preaching

Just before he breathed his last breath, Jesus uttered the phrase “it is finished.” Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to ful...