Sunday, November 12, 2023


PRAYER - "Here Is The Patience And Faith Of The Saints"

We want to be able to resolve every trial and tribulation by prayer and supplication. But prayer demands patience and faith. Many prayers are not answered immediately. We must force ourselves to remember that those who hold us captive will someday be held captive by God. Those who would kill us will one day be killed by the hand of God. Have patience and faith.

Revelation 13:10 - "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints."

PRINCIPAL - "The Ark Of His Testament"

"Raiders of the Lost Ark" may be an exciting action story, but you can forget ever seeing the Ark of the Covenant on earth. The Ark vanished when Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon captured Jerusalem. "They shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it," Jeremiah 3:16. During Jesus' 1000-year earthly rule, the Ark will be gone. The glory of God resides in Jesus. The Ark now sits in Heaven. 

Revelation 11:19 - "And there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament."

PRINCIPLE - "The Pernicious Sins Of The Last Generation"

They worship devils. They worship idols. They are godless, God-hating, pagan sons of Lucifer. They are murderers. They practice sorcery. They are fornicators - sexually and morally unrestrained. They are thieves. These are the notable and pernicious sins of this last generation who will utterly refuse to repent, even when Almighty God pours out the very worst plagues ever. Definitely sounds like our generation.

Revelation 9:20-21 - "The men ...yet repented not ...that they should not worship devils, and idols ...Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts."

PROPHECY - "A Voice From The Four Horns Of The Golden Altar"

God receives the prayers of all the saints across the golden altar in Heaven (8:3). From the horns of that altar of prayer, John reported a voice instructing four angels to launch the Sixth Trumpet War. One-third of all mankind will die. This greatest war in history is launched from the altar of prayer. Is this great end-of- the-age event somehow an answer to multitudes of prayers of the saints of all ages? Perhaps!

Revelation 9:13-14 "I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel..."

Plan of Salvation read acts 2:38


  1. Amen!

    JESUS is coming & the world 🌎 truly needs, "2 REPENT of ALL their SINS!"

    We know NOT the HOUR, in which HE cometh.

    For a THIEF never reveals, the HOUR in which HE cometh, into your HOME, to STEAL.

    Nor will our LORD JESUS, reveal HIS coming.

    It's TIME to REPENT & get READY to meet the LORD, before it's to LATE.

    For ALL the SIGNS, spoken in the BIBLE, points to HIS return, just look around you & ALL that is taking place thru out the WORLD 🌎 today.

    How much more TIME do we Have, one asks, "NO one TRULY knows," NOT even the ANGELS in HEAVEN know.

    READ your KING JAMES BIBLE, in the book of ACTS chapter 2 verse 38 & get READY for HIS return.

    God bless you all. 🙏⛪🌹🕊

    Sincerely, Monica

  2. Great read cuz, we are in a series right now about The End !! Get ready and Stay ready!!!!!!


Finished/ 2 Healing Videos/ OMBS7/ plus Preaching

Just before he breathed his last breath, Jesus uttered the phrase “it is finished.” Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to ful...