Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Are Angels Just for Kids?

PRAYER - "Esther's Petition"

Haman negotiated with Ahasuerus, King of Persia and Media, to have all Jews in the kingdom killed on the 13th of the month. Mordecai saw the decree posted and sent word to Esther that she must intervene. All the Jews fasted and prayed for three days with great consternation. Esther and her maidens fasted likewise. Miraculously, the King totally reversed his decision, and killed Haman instead.
Esther 5:6 - "What is thy petition? and it shall be granted thee: and what is thy request? even to the half of the kingdom it shall be performed."
PRINCIPALS - "Eber the Hebrew"

The world knows the Jews as Hebrews. The Hebrew language is the only spoken language ever to return from extinction (in the 19th century), after being eradicated during the diaspora (dispersion) of Israel. Hebrew continued to be a major written language since antiquity, largely because of the Old Testament. Today, it is the official language of the State of Israel. The word "Hebrew" derives from Eber, great-grandson of Shem, (Noah's son), and grandfather of Abraham. Jesus spoke from heaven to Saul in the Hebrew tongue.
Genesis 14:13 - "...Abram the Hebrew.
PRINCIPLES - "Just Do It!"

Talk is cheap. It doesn't cost anything to talk. But truly living for God costs something. Jesus said a wise man will both hear His sayings and DO THEM. A fool hears but does not DO. James said that if we know to do good and do it not, we sin. God's will is not hard to do. Just do it!
Matthew 7:21 - "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
PROPHECIES - "Jehovah Jireh"

"The Lord - Provider" is the name God revealed to Abraham on Mount Moriah. Testing his loyalty, God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, on an altar. When God saw Abraham's obedience, His angel halted the sacrifice AND provided a ram caught in a bush to sacrifice in Isaac's place. The lamb foreshadowed God again providing salvation for His saints when Jesus returns to Mount Moriah.
Genesis 22:14 - "Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.

Are Angels Just for Kids?

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
– Hebrews 1:14

Most of us heard about our guardian angel when we were just children. And, in those days, it was a comforting thought. With monsters lurking behind the closet door and creepy things crawling beneath the bed, it was good to know that someone was there to protect us when the light was out.
But, as the years passed, we outgrew our childhood fears. The imaginary creatures that had once seemed so real disappeared from our minds—and sadly enough, for most of us, the angels did too.
But angels are not just kid stuff. They're powerful spirits sent forth to minister for us who are heirs of salvation.
The word salvation in Hebrews 1:14 is from the Greek word soteria meaning "deliverance, preservation...material, and temporal deliverance." Just think about that! God has created vast numbers of gloriously powerful spiritual beings for the express purpose of protecting us and delivering us from the evils of this world.
And remember, according to Psalm 103:20, the Word of God is what puts those angels in action. So when you're in trouble, don't cower and cry about how awful things are. Speak the Word! Give your angels something to respond to. Then be patient and let them have time to work. They'll get their job done.


  1. Good afternoon Brother Ashcraft,
    I certainly enjoyed reading your devotion today!
    It was a miracle that Israel was spared extinction from Haman's plan. Ultimately, it was God's protection of His people! For early Israel, it was Joseph that was positioned to sustain Israel. In order to get Isreal out of Egypt, it was Moses that God positioned for deliverance of the people. In Persia-Media it was Esther. She fulfilled her role. However, her Uncle let her know, "Who knows if God brought you into the Kingdom for such a time as this? However, you dont fulfill your role, God will bring deliverance from elsewhere...THAT is faith! We must do out part...Matthew 7:21
    Eber the trivia!
    Abraham's words was a prophetic word inspired by faith in God. Perhaps if we would let our faith rise, our words would become prophetic! After all we are filled with the Spirit of God and the power of life and death is in the tongue! Also, if we delight yourself in the Lord, He will grant us the desires of our heart!
    I feel inspired today to activate my Angel's! San Angelo needs revival!
    Love you Brother Ashcraft!

    1. Your kind words are heavenly sent Pastor. We love it when we get such inspirational comments. Blessings!

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed the OMBS.

    1. Thank you for the great response. Praying that everyone enjoyed the OMBS7 as you did.


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