Tuesday, June 9, 2020


PRAYER - "Evil Prayers"

Balak, king of the Moabites, tried to bribe the prophet Balaam to curse Israel and bless Moab. Balaam refused. Balak raised the bribe until Balaam agreed to pray for him. God was furious. Balaam's donkey rebuked him and an angel drew a sword against him. Balaam was soon killed by his own troops during wartime. Eleven times the Bible speaks disparagingly of Balaam. Learn a lesson. Don't curse what God has blessed, or bless what God has cursed.

Numbers 23:2 - "...and Balak and Balaam offered on every altar a bullock and a ram."

PRINCIPALS -"The Serpent"

This is not your ordinary snake. He talks. He is subtle. He has a hidden, sinister, diabolical agenda. Lucifer violated that mindless creature. How was the first woman on earth supposed to know that snakes do not talk? More directly, how can you or I know when Satan enters into someone to deceive us? Lies. Lucifer's trademark is lies. "Hath God said...?" "Ye shall not surely die." There's your sign. Satan is ruthless and plays by nobody's rules.

Genesis 3:1 - "...the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field."

PRINCIPLES - "He Is Trustworthy"

The differences between trusting our own humanity and trusting God's Spirit are shocking. He knows everything. We know almost nothing. He sees all. We have very limited vision. He hears all. We don't. He has all power in heaven and earth. We have almost none. He can heal, save, deliver and do miracles. We can't. So why do we trust ourselves, yet struggle to trust God? God will always lead us right.

Galatians 3:3 - "Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?"

PROPHECIES - "A Great Nation"

Abraham and Sara were in their seventies and still childless when God promised that Abraham would become a great nation. Four centuries later, over a million of his descendants marched out of bondage in Egypt and made their way to the very land God promised Abraham. Within another 120 years, Kings David and Solomon would preside over one of the most glorious kingdoms in the history of man.

Genesis 12:2 - "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing."

Sin Stained...or Blood Washed?

This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
– Hebrews 10:16-17

The Bible tells us that under Levitical law, an animal had to be offered every year to atone for the sins of the people. That word atone means "to cover" and it's used continually throughout the Old Testament.
But let me tell you something exciting. It's never used in the New Testament. The Greek word used to describe what Jesus did for us on the cross is a different word altogether. It doesn't just mean "to cover"—it means "to remit; to do completely away with something."
Do you know what that means? It means there is no longer a sin problem. Jesus solved it!
When you made Him your Lord, He didn't just cover your sins, He put you into right-standing with God and re-created you by the Spirit of God as if sin had never existed.
But if you're like many believers, you haven't fully grasped that magnificent truth. You're caught up in what I call a sin consciousness. You keep thinking of yourself as sin stained instead of blood washed.
"Well, after all, Brother, I'm just an old sinner saved by grace."
No, you're not. You were an old sinner, but grace changed you forever into the very righteousness of God. You are now His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus! As far as God is concerned, your past life is forgotten. It died the death of the Cross.
Think about that. Let it sink into your consciousness until you can rise up boldly and receive the freedom from sin that's yours in Christ Jesus. Receive the righteousness that only the Lamb of God can give.

I feel like this today. 
Total Victory.

Of interest Our 45th President Donald J. Trump has a masculine given name derived from the Gaelic name Dòmhnall. This comes from the Proto-Celtic Dumno-ualos ("world-ruler")
My thoughts: God provided us a president that is a world leader. Your thoughts.

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