Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Love and serve God with your whole heart.

Walk closely with the Him in the good times. Then, when you need Him to be your Deliverer, you'll know without a doubt you can trust Him to care for you!

Sin's Recurring Effects
Old prophecy promised that the sword would never depart David's house. Joab was David's nephew and captain. But after Joab killed Absalom, David promised to give Joab's room to Amasa, Absalom's former captain, and David's second cousin. But Joab was jealous and would not surrender his title to Amasa, so he chased him down and killed him - sin's recurring effects.

2 Samuel 20:10 - "Amasa took no heed to the sword that was in Joab's hand: so he smote him therewith in the fifth rib, ...and he died."

Sheba Attempts Another Coup
Sheba, a man of Belial (a devil), condemned and disowned David, trying again to overthrow him after Absalom died. David said that Sheba would "do us more harm than did Absalom." He sent his new captain, Amasa, in pursuit. Joab followed, too, but killed Amasa first, then pursued Sheba. Joab besieged the town called Abel, and a woman inside negotiated to throw Sheba's head over the wall to prevent their destruction.

2 Samuel 20:22 - "They cut off the head of Sheba the son of Bichri, and cast it out to Joab. ...Joab returned to Jerusalem unto the king."

Paying For Breach of Contract
A three-year famine came to Israel in David's time, so he enquired of the LORD. God told him that it was because Saul had slain many Gibeonites. (Moses taught Israel to make no leagues with their enemies, but Joshua had made a league of peace with the Gibeonites, "and the princes of the congregation sware unto them.") David had to make atonement with the Gibeonites. They wanted blood.

2 Samuel 21:6 - "Let seven men of his [Saul's] sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto the LORD, ...And the king said, I will give them."

Divine Payback
When David first became a hero in Israel, Saul promised him his oldest daughter, Merab. But Saul reneged and gave her to Adriel. They had five children. Saul gave David his daughter Michal, who cursed David, and consequently, never bore any children. Michal raised the five children of Merab and Adriel. But God made David atone with the Gibeonites for Saul's sins. They demanded seven of Saul's sons be hanged - two by his concubine, and guess "who else"?

2 Samuel 21:8 - "...the five sons of Michal the daughter of Saul, whom she brought up for Adriel."

One Miracle Two Miracles Three Miracles

Run Him Out of Town 
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

– Ephesians 6:14-15, The KJV Bible
Preparation. When it comes to fighting spiritual battles, that's a word you'd do well to remember. Most Christian believers don't pay much attention to it. They don't prepare themselves in advance. They fiddle around until the devil makes his move, then they jump up and try to fight him with the Word... and they usually lose.
I used to do the same thing until God’s Word taught me differently. I used to wait until my meetings began to pray for their success. As Satan would come against them from one direction, I'd fight him there. Then he'd move around and attack them in another area, and I'd fight him there.
One day the Lord showed me that by waiting until the last minute to take my stand, I was giving Satan time to build up his forces against me. And consequently, I was losing many of my battles. Then I heard a preacher say something I'll never forget. He said, If they had kicked Al Capone out of Chicago when he was just a small-time operator, he wouldn't have been so hard to handle; but they waited until he became a first-class criminal with his forces built up around him. Then it took an army to bring him down.
When I heard that, I made up my mind never to be caught unprepared again. I started praying about those meetings weeks in advance, getting the stage set spiritually before they ever began. Instead of letting Satan get his forces entrenched, I started throwing him out before he got a single foothold. When I did, I saw more victories than I ever had before.
Don't let the devil catch you off guard. Be prepared! Start praying and speaking the Word of faith now over your family, your business, your church. Get your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Then if Satan causes trouble, you'll be well-equipped to run him out of town.

In Good Times and Bad 

God is called by many names. He is the Lord our Healer, our Provider, our Banner and our Righteousness. He also promises to be our Deliverer. In this troubled world that may very well be what we need Him to be most often.
But there are many believers who never experience God's mighty delivering power because, instead of walking closely with Him day by day, they wait until danger strikes to call upon Him. That just doesn't work. If you want God to rescue you in the bad times, you have to fellowship with Him in the good times. Why? Because God responds to faith. Our faith—not our need—is what causes Him to act on our behalf. And we'll never be able to develop that kind of faith, that kind of trust and confidence in Him, if we don't spend enough time with Him to get to know Him.
First John 3:20-22 tells us that we have confidence toward God when we do the things that are pleasing in His sight. If we only serve God halfheartedly, then we will not have confidence in Him to deliver us from trouble. When danger surrounds us, instead of being filled with faith, we'll find ourselves paralyzed with fear.
Love and serve God with your whole heart. Walk closely with Him in the good times. Then, when you need Him to be your Deliverer, you'll know without a doubt you can trust Him to care for you!
Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.   – Psalm 91:14-15


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