Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Follow Jesus

OMBS7 audio/video

“Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eye was undimmed, and his vigor unabated.” (It is God’s will that our body functions perfectly all the days of our lives.) Deuteronomy 34:7

Spoiling The Midianites

After Sarah died, Abraham married Keturah, who had a son named Midian. His descendants dwelled among Lot's descendants, the Moabites. Both tribes became idolatrous pagans. The Midianites and Moabites solicited the prophet Balaam to curse Israel and bless them. God told Moses to avenge Israel of the Midianites. Israel warred victoriously over them and brought back spoils in great abundance. A precedent was set. God will avenge His saints of their enemies. Jesus will divide the spoils of the whole world with His saints someday (Isaiah 53:12).

Numbers 31:2 - "Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites..."

The Curse Of Holding Back

The tribes of Reuben and Gad loved the pasturelands east of Jordan for their cattle. They wanted to settle there. Moses consented, but he compared them to their fathers who had failed God at Kadesh Barnea. Centuries later, they were the first tribes to apostatize and be taken captive into obscurity. DON'T STOP SHORT of the Promised Land!

Numbers 32:5 - "...let this land be given unto thy servants... and bring us not over Jordan....And Moses said ...wherefore discourage ye the heart of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the LORD hath given them?"

The Wilderness Journal

In Numbers 33, Moses documented every leg of Israel's journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, one of the most important events in human history. Many ancient prophecies were fulfilled, but more prophecies lingered. They must decide the outcome. Our journey with God requires unending diligence.

Numbers 33:50-56 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses saying, ...ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein: for I have given you the land to possess it. ...But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants ...I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them."

The Borders Of Israel

God told Moses "this is the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan." Then He meticulously defined the borders on the North, South, East and West. It is all right there in Numbers 34. 3500 years ago, Israel took possession of the Promised Land in an irrevocable Covenant with Almighty God. No king or kingdom on earth will EVER get God's title deed to the Holy Land. Let God's enemies be warned. God will fight for Israel.

Numbers 34:12 - "...this shall be your land with the coasts thereof round about."

Praise In Spite Of
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Isaiah 26:3(KJV)

Notice that this scripture instructs us to give thanks in all things, not for all things. When tragedy or temptation strikes, we are not to thank God for them. He is not their author. He's the One who provides our way of escape from them. And that's what we're to thank Him for.
If you read the four Gospels, you'll find that Jesus never gave thanks for sickness or death. Instead, when He encountered them, His response was to overcome them by God's authority and the Word. So give thanks as Jesus gave thanks—not for Satan's activities but for the victory God has given you over them.

Many years ago I survived a terrible fall that could have potentially resulted in severe injury.  Having fallen from a great distance, I found myself on my back looking up into the faces of several men who had witness the incident. Immediately and quite impulsively I simply shouted, “Well, Praise the Lord!”  I won’t say that Satan pushed me or that God allowed this to happened, life happened. But I can certainly say that prior to the fall God had given me a heart of praise and thankfulness. He absolutely kept me from harm and brought me through a terrible fall that could have ended in a very different outcome both in physical harm and in my attitude. No, God didn’t cause the fall but I saw how He used my reflexive reaction of praise to touch the hearts of those who witnessed it. Our Heavenly Father definitely protects us and and changes our hearts from seeing first the bad in a situation to seeing the blessing of His keeping power. With a positive and praise-filled life our initial response will always be a praise to our Heavenly Father which in turn offers a beautiful witness to those around us.

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