Monday, January 6, 2020


Opposition is indication of break through.

Lies And Deceptions

Throughout the Pentateuch (the first five books, written by Moses), an almost countless array of sins are condemned. But among the reasons for the five major offerings for sins, lies, deception and bearing false witness ranked among the worst of all. The God of Truth hates lies, deception and false testimony. Liars are reckoned among the worst of sinners. Only speak truth.

Leviticus 6:2-6 - "If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD, and lie unto his neighbour... or hath deceived his neighbour; or ...sweareth falsely; ...he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD."

Compensation For The Priests

God stipulated that the priests should keep a portion of the burnt offerings, meat offerings, peace offerings, sin offerings, and trespass offerings for themselves. Prophetically, this sets a divine precedent that all ministers of all ages should be compensated for their services in the ministry.

Leviticus 7:35 - "This is the portion ...out of the offerings of the LORD made by fire, in the day when he presented them to minister unto the LORD in the priest's office; Which the LORD commanded to be given them of the children of Israel, a statute for ever throughout their generations."


Once the Tabernacle was fully prepared and Moses had thoroughly given instructions pertaining to all the service of the Tabernacle, he called the people together to the door of the Tabernacle to witness the consecration of the Priesthood. This was the first occasion for all of Israel to attend a holy service at the house of God, but it set a precedent. Even in the New Testament, we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together at God's house.

Leviticus 8:3 - "And gather thou all the congregation together unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation."

The Ephod

The High Priest wore an elaborate vestment called the ephod. Two onyx stones on the shoulders contained the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve precious stones were mounted on the front on blue, red, and white embroidered linen. Also called the Urim and Thummin, when the Priest consulted God before the Ark of the Covenant, the stones illuminated if God blessed, or gave a "yes" answer. Dull stones meant God's cursing, or a "no" answer.

Leviticus 8:7 - "...and he girded him with the curious girdle of the ephod, and bound it unto him therewith."

EXPECT "Great Expectation Gets Great Results"--this phrase is about the power of expectancy when it comes to walking by faith & receiving the answer to your prayer. Whether you're believing God for spiritual, physical, or financial needs, expectation plays a role in getting your results.

Created to Praise

Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
– Psalm 150:6

We're created to praise God. Some people don't know that. When the praise service starts, they sit back and say, "I'm not comfortable with all that singing and shouting. I guess praise is just not my thing."

Yes, it is! According to the Bible, if you breathe, you were meant to praise.

And don't try to slip by with saying, "Well, I have praise in my heart." That's not enough. The Word says you need to have it in your mouth as well (Psalms 34:1)! Psalm 132:9 says, "Let thy saints shout for joy." You can't shout and be quiet at the same time.

When you first begin to truly praise, it may seem awkward to you, but if you'll keep it up, it will become a way of life. Why? Because praise causes the glory of God to manifest in your life. It causes you to walk in the light of His countenance (Psalms 89:15). It will start a revival inside of you!
"But, Brother A, if I start to praise like that, people will think I'm some kind of fanatic."
Well, good! Did you know that every revival in history has been started by people the world considered absolute fanatics? God does things differently than the world. So when you set aside your inhibitions and start letting His Spirit operate through you, you're going to look strange to those who are strangers to His ways...but you're going to look glorious to the Lord!

And, by the way, don't just think of praising Him in the congregation. Praise Him in your own private prayer time and throughout your day. Learn to maintain an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. When praise becomes natural to you in your own private life, it won't be difficult to praise Him in the midst of the congregation.

Are you longing for a revival of God's presence in your life? Are you tired of just hearing about the glorious manifestations of His power in the past? Then open your mouth and your heart and do what God has created you to do. Praise the Lord!

The things of God aren't natural. Christianity isn't natural. It started with a miracle birth and ended with a miracle resurrection--our faith is not "natural" and God wants us to know it. We must realize that the supernatural is just as "real" as the natural we see all around us.
OMBS7 audio-video 

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