Tuesday, June 18, 2019


People need healing both inside and outside of the church. Unbelievers do not understand what faith is, but it’s not required of them from God to have faith to be healed.  Praying for sick outside of the church normally doesn’t afford us an hour of Spirit-filled worship, singing or preaching to better prepare carnal hearts to receive healing from God. When we’ve diligently hidden and are actively living in obedience to the Word of God, we can and do have immediate access to the power and authority of God to pray the prayer of faith and expect results. 
The Lord has provided all we need, every prayer answered, not determinate upon where we are geographically. Miracles can and should be present in our service to God both inside and outside of the church building.
But is this the case? Sadly , too many leave our services disappointed. Does this concern us as it should?   Sinners come in and are healed but many good saints remain sick. Are we ready to change things?  A sinner getting  prayed for knows he/she is living in sin and is sincerely, worshipfully thankful for God’s miraculous healing touch. We, though, gather together with all our church ‘stuff’ thinking we can convince God to do something He’s already done; "with his stripes we are healed".  Although expectation is good and necessary, there’s a fine line between faith-filled expectation and taking for granted  that God owes us. Whether saved or sinner, "A broken and contrite heart, oh God, you will not despise". (Ps 51:17)

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed".  (Isaiah 53:5)

Perhaps it would benefit us all to frequently ask ourselves:
What is God’s will for my life?
Am I actively striving to accomplish His purpose?
Do I remember what I initially said ‘yes’ to God encompasses? 
Am I still willing to give my all to fulfill God’s will and desire for my life? 

Mark 16:16-18
(note) when praying for the sick, Jesus simply instructed...

"lay hands on the sick!"

Food for thought: people are not interested in how much you know but how much you care.
Simply ask if they would pray with you for their healing or whatever their need might be.
Just pray the prayer of faith and believe God has done it.  Then go out and find someone else. 

"they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." (Mark 16:18)

 Ask God for His love and compassion to come into your heart and spirit for those who are sick and being prayed for. God has heard, God has reached with His loving and all powerful hand of healing through your obedience to a His Word, God will do it again and again. Let’s be His hands in the earth.

Click How Grace Works to Save Us

Fleeing Esau - Fleeing Trouble

Esau threatened to kill Jacob for stealing the family blessing. Rebekah had pushed Jacob into the situation, then, she had to urge Jacob to flee. Sometimes situations seem to deteriorate before they get better. Nevertheless, Jacob's flight took him to Laban where he met and married his wives and became the father of the "twelve tribes of Israel." It is not uncommon in the will of God for things to get worse before they get better. 

Genesis 27:43 - "Now therefore, my son, obey my voice; and arise, flee thou to Laban my brother to Haran." 

Father's Prayer

As Isaac sent Jacob away, he blessed him with a prayer over him. Jacob was headed to Haran to find his mother's brother, Laban. His first encounter was while he was yet afar off. He met Rachel in a field as she was tending sheep. It was love at first sight. God had everything arranged for Jacob before he ever left home. Even so, our prayers of faith are preparing the way for those we love. Have faith in God. 

Genesis 28:3 - "And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee." 

Jacob's Inheritance

Here is a written record, authored by Moses over 3,000 years ago, confirming that Isaac passed Abraham's blessing to JACOB, including the deed to the Promised Land. Islam hotly contests this claim, but it is at least 2,000 years older than Islam. Mohammed's counter-claims are illegitimate. God will confirm Israel's claim to the land originally given to Abraham. 

Genesis 28:4 - "And give thee the blessing of Abraham, to thee, and to thy seed with thee; that thou mayest inherit the land wherein thou art a stranger, which God gave unto Abraham." 

God Visits Jacob

The Lord appeared to Jacob in a dream. The Covenant with ABRAHAM suddenly became the Covenant with JACOB. Even if Abraham had never lived, Jacob now had a promise from God. In his lifetime, Jacob would see his descendants migrate to Egypt, but there was a promise they would be back to the land promised in the Covenant. 

Genesis 28:13 - "And, behold, the LORD stood above it, and said, I am the LORD God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed." 

Here’s another OMBS 

God Speaks to Isaac

Technically, God's promise would never have to be repeated to be valid. God keeps His Word. But God chose to deliver the Abrahamic Covenant first-hand and personally to Isaac. God has no grandchildren. He is Father to every generation, including yours and mine. His Word speaks freshly to us today. 

Genesis 26:24 - "And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake." 

Blessing Time

Isaac was old and blind, and his days were numbered. He called Esau to prepare a special meal, after which he would give his eldest son the family blessing. But Esau had already despised the Birthright, sold it to Jacob, and married a Hittite woman. Rebekah and Jacob carefully intercepted the blessing. They "pulled out all the stops" for Jacob. If you want the blessing, fight for it. 

Genesis 27:4 - "And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die." 

Rebekah's Intercession

Isaac and Rebekah were grieved by Esau's marriage to a Hittite woman. Rebekah determined that the family inheritance should pass to Jacob. She plotted in Jacob's behalf to get the blessing from dying Isaac. It was a risky venture. What if Isaac discovered he was being deceived? She felt it was worth the risk and was willing to take the blame if it failed. We need more mothers who will fight for righteousness. God loved it. 

Genesis 27:13 - "...his mother said unto him, Upon me be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice." 

Venison For A Prayer

Rebekah and Jacob committed a fraudulent deception against Isaac. She cooked goat meat to taste like Esau's venison. They put goat skins on Jacob's arms to simulate hairy Esau. Jacob blatantly lied to his blind father: "I am Esau..." Jacob wanted Isaac to pronounce the blessing on him. Esau despised it. How far will you go to secure the blessing of God? Isaac's prayer of blessing was the coveted prize. 

Genesis 27:28 - "Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine." 

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