Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Turn Words into Deeds

Can a angel fix a vehicle?Coincidence or supernatural? I own and drive a GMC Yukon.  The engine light has stayed on for two weeks, plus the tire gauge light!  We were told it’s in the wiring.  On our departure day from San Angelo, Texas I heard this, “I fixed the problems in your trucks wiring and you want have any more trouble with it! Also I fixed tire gauge!” So we cranked truck and started shouting for joy as I shared with my wife the works of a wonderful Angel! Lights were off!

Restrict Your Prayers To The Will Of GodGod reminded Abram that He still planned to give Sarai a child, but Abram was emotionally attached to Ishmael. He told the LORD, "O that Ishmael might live before thee!" God consented to bless and multiply Ishmael's seed. But 3000 years later, most of Ishmael's descendants are Arab Muslims who call the Bible story a lie. We often breed treacherous outcomes by clinging to people that God wants us to let go of. Let God choose your friends. 

Genesis 17:20-21 - "As for Ishmael, ...I have blessed him, ...and I will make him a great nation. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac." 

He Left Off Talking With HimGod permanently settled the matter with Abraham in two fundamental declarations. ONE, He would bless Ishmael and his descendants. TWO, the Abrahamic Covenant must be THROUGH ISAAC, Sarah's future son. If you have an issue with God, you may freely make your case as Abraham did in behalf of Ishmael. But after God answers, His verdict must stand. Put your arguments and excuses away. The conversation is over. Let God have His way. It is the only wise conclusion. God's ways are higher than yours. 

Genesis 17:22 - "He left off talking with him, and God went up from Abraham." 

Turn Words Into DeedsYou can pray. You can negotiate with God. You can make your case and ask God to do whatever it is that you want or need. But after God answers and reveals to you the terms of His blessing, it is up to you to follow through and do the will of God. For Abraham, the Covenant blessing of God was predicated upon his circumcising every male in his household. 

Genesis 17:23 - "Abraham took ...every male among the men of Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God had said unto him." 

Hagar's ExileIslam viciously contradicts many Biblical truths concretely established for 2,000 years before Mohammed was ever born. The Bible says Ishmael still lived with Abraham and Sarah at THIRTEEN. The Koran says Angel Gabriel took Hagar and SUCKLING BABY Ishmael on a flying horse (Al-Buraq) to a well named ZamZam at Mecca, Saudi Arabia where they say ABRAHAM built the Kaaba (House of Allah) around a meteorite stone on a foundation built by ADAM and EVE! Loathsome lies.

Genesis 17:25 - "Ishmael his son was thirteen years old, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin." 

Here’s another OMBS 

SaraiThe story of Sarai vastly outweighs the story of Hagar, as the story of Isaac outweighs the story of Ishmael. This Biblical story is diabolically perverted by the Koran. All God's promises and dealings with Abraham hinged upon his having a child by Sarai, not Hagar! God's Covenant with Abraham would descend through his proper child, Isaac, not the surrogate child, Ishmael. 

Genesis 17:16 - "And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her." 

Abraham Fell On His Face And Laughed At GodGod changed Sarai's name to Sarah and told Abraham, "I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her." But Abraham fell on his face and laughed. He was 100! She was 90! Abraham, "Father of the Faithful," was overcome with doubt for the moment, even laughing in God's face. Our carnal minds cannot comprehend God's supernatural abilities. Mercifully, God gives us faith to believe. 

Genesis 17:17-18 - "Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear? ...O that Ishmael might live before thee!" 

IshmaelThis story is enormously important today. One-fourth of the world's population (Muslims) believe God's Abrahamic Covenant was through Ishmael, not Isaac. But Ishmael was a surrogate child. His mother despised Sarai. Ishmael mocked Sarai. They both had bad attitudes. That is why they were cast away. God TOLD Abraham to put them away. God said Ishmael's descendants would be many, wild, and against every man. Abraham circumcised Ishmael at age 13, but today the Islamic Koran does not even teach circumcision. 

Genesis 17:21 - "But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee." 

God's Covenant With IsaacMohammed diabolically convinced his followers that Ishmael was the rightful heir to God's Covenant with Abraham. But Ishmael was surrogate-born of Sarah's servant. Isaac was legitimately born of Abraham's proper wife. God explicitly established the everlasting Covenant with Isaac and his descendants. Moses put it in writing 3,400 years ago - 2,000 years before Mohammed was born. 

Genesis 17:19 - "God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him." 

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