Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Heaven is so close yet can be very far!

Emmanuel Pentecostal 

Make  plans to attend services in 
Robert Lee, Texas 
5.1 through 5.4 at 7 pm 

Tuesday night was Supernatural at the Church of Pentecost on Edmund Blv and Howard street in San Angelo, Texas.

God said, “ NO PREACHING TONIGHT, IT WILL BE A NIGHT OF MIRACLES.” It started and God did just that!  So many were healed last night, it would be wrong not to give God praise for them all. One particular miracle God said, “Shove her back in with your hand and I’ll do the rest.”  I barely got my hand to her back when the fire of God had her moving pain free.  This dear lady’s hip was completely healed which had caused her to drag her leg when walking limping painfully. Tears of joy ran down her face as she kept bending, and saying her body was pain free. When we later asked her daughter in law about the extent of her injury she said, “Yes sir..... she has been struggling with pain in her hip so badly that she has had injections to help the pain. They thought her hip was degenerating but after they did an x-ray they thought it may be a pinched nerve. She has been limping for months. This lady is a member of the Emanuel Pentecostal Church In Robert Lee, Texas. This is what God is going to do in their revival. Come expecting a miracle.  Praise God if you need a healing miracle just believe right now as we speak a healing 
on your body.   No distance is to far for God.  Now thank God for healing.  

Along with these supernatural services we’ve been making daily routine visits in the hospitals.  Many have received the Holy Ghost and healings. To God be the Glory.


Asshur was a person, a city (later called Nineveh), and the ancient Assyrian Empire. Its founders came from Babel and Nimrod, who grievously turned their backs on the God of their forefather, Noah. They worshipped the goddess Ishtar. Assyria eventually became a vicious foe of Israel for centuries. Mosul, Iraq, is now the center of that region, sandwiched between Damascus, Syria and Tehran, Iran. These modern Assyrians are prophetically doomed. In Isaiah 14:25, God swore to destroy the Assyrian on His holy mount at Armageddon.

Genesis 10:11 - "Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh."

Peleg - The Earth Divided

Here is the lineage: Noah, Shem, Arphaxad, Salah, Eber, Peleg. Little is known of Peleg except that in his days the earth was divided. Some say that the continents of earth moved to their present positions then, but that is unfounded speculation. Peleg's birth was near the days of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. That is where the earth was really divided. God divided their languages.

Genesis 10:25 - "...unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; for in his days the earth was divided."

Let Us Make Brick, Build A City, Make A Name

The ambitions of the people who built the Tower of Babel sound amazingly similar to Satan's ambitions. In Isaiah 14, Satan said, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." Such proud, arrogant words are doomed from the start.

Genesis 11:3-4 - "Let us make brick, ...let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name."

The Fall Of Babel

Nimrod spearheaded the project at the Tower of Babel. Their purposes were ambitious: reach Heaven, make a name for themselves, prevent being scattered abroad. Sounds like the Devil's dream, too. But all the purposes of men will be disappointed. All man-made kingdoms will fall to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ at Armageddon.

Genesis 11:4 - "And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth."

Here’s another OMBS BibleStudy!


The first son of Noah, Shem, is a very significant character. Shem and Japheth intervened to save their father's modesty when Ham discovered him drunk. Noah blessed Shem and Japheth for that. Ham's descendants, the Canaanites, were cursed to serve the descendants of both Shem and Japheth. That is why Abraham was given the land of Canaan. Abraham descended from Eber (source of "Hebrew") who descended from Shem (source of "Semite"). Jesus Christ descended from Shem.

Genesis 9:26 - "Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."

Noah Blessed And Cursed His Descendants

Noah had three sons. All of modern civilization descended from them. "Of them was the whole earth overspread," Genesis 9:19. Noah cursed Ham's son, Canaan. "A servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren." Noah blessed the others through Shem and Japheth. One of Shem's descendants, Abraham, became the progenitor of the nation of Israel and the spiritual father of all the faithful.

Genesis 9:26-27 - "He said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant."


Nimrod was called "a mighty one in the earth," and "the mighty hunter before the LORD." His was the first kingdom mentioned in the Bible. It began with the Tower at Babel, then Erech, Accad, Calneh in the land of Shinar. Many outrageous myths exist about Nimrod, but nearly all references to him speak of rebellion. It is fair to say that Nimrod was one of the first to conduct military conquests and to be known as a tyrant dictator.

Genesis 10:8 - "And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one upon the earth."

A Mighty Hunter Before The Lord

Nimrod "began to be a mighty one in the earth, ...a mighty hunter before the LORD." Nimrod, presumed to be the driving force behind the Tower of Babel, and ultimately the Babylonian Empire, is one of the most legendary characters in antiquity. Much superstition and mysticism surrounds his name, but Nimrod's real legacy is the tyranny, rebellion and evil mysteries of Babylon. What is heroic in the eyes of men is often abominable in the eyes of God. What is your reputation "before the LORD"?

Genesis 10:9 - "Wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD."

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