Friday, May 17, 2019

Fear tolerated is faith contaminated

Services @ Church Of Pentecost
San Angelo, Texas 
May 19 @10am6pm

Let us make the Word of  God priority and we want have to worry about asking amiss.

You may not believe in divine healing but when you get sick enough you may change your mind.

*Lance was a patient at a hospital in San Angelo, Texas.  We saw him after he’d come out of two life threatening surgeries that evolved removing tumors fastened in his brain. He couldn’t move his left side at all.  I asked him to ask for the Holy Ghost help.  He began speaking in Tongues, while lifting the paralyzed arm upward praising God and kicking  paralysis out of his left leg. We were happily shocked as he leaped to his feet walking toward the entrance door of his room as the alarm buzzer went off.  The nurses came running in bumping his back with the door shoving him forward but he had got his healing and resisted falling.  One of the nurses asked, “Who told you to get up? “ Lance being full of faith and Holy Ghost shouted out,”God did!”  We followed up on Lance with many a phone call he told us to keep healing others and give them Holy Ghost.  He’s told many about his near death experience and what God did for him. This Saturday at the same Hospital, on the same floor we where coming from a  patient’s  room that had just received the Holy Ghost.  A nurse that had witness Lance and others supernatural experiences yelled down the hallway,” Man of God!  You are a man of God!”

Promised Borders 

The land promised to Abraham extends from the Egyptian Nile and Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River. The Euphrates flows through Turkey, Syria and Iraq, merging with the Tigris down the Iranian border. Today, Ishmaelites are fighting viciously for it, but God promised it to Isaac (Genesis 26:3) and Israel (Genesis 28:13). This Biblical clash of civilizations is apocalyptic. Jesus and His immortals will slaughter Israel's enemies in "shock and awe" at Armageddon. 

Genesis 15:18 - "...the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this

* Want to thank God for the many healings and many first time Holy Ghost fillings at Moran Texas.
* So very thankful for many that received Holy Ghost for first time after hearing Bro Lance’s testimony who was in the same floor three days prior.  Many were mightily healed in the hospital.

Hagar The Egyptian 

Some people argue that Arabs are not Ishmael's descendants because they presume that his mother Hagar was a black Egyptian given to Abraham by Pharaoh. But Ishmael's father Abraham was the first Jew. Mohammed corrupted the story of Ishmael, claiming that Ishmael and Abraham built the Kaaba in Mecca. Preposterous! For centuries, Kaaba was a pagan temple of idols. Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael AWAY to Paran, a wilderness site where Moses and Israel later camped. Neither Abraham, Hagar nor Ishmael ever went to Mecca. 

Genesis 16:1 - "...she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar." 

Going Against God's Plan 

God promised Abram on numerous occasions that He would give him and Sarai seed as the stars for number. But years passed and Sarai had no children. She sovereignly declared that Abram should bear a child by Hagar, her maid. "Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai." Just like Sarai, we open our mouths and contradict God, when we should remain silent and wait on God. We taint the miracle and bring future calamities upon ourselves. 

Genesis 16:4 - "He went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes." 

Here’s another OMBS bible study 

The Lord Judge Between Me And Thee 

Sarai made a tragic mistake by giving Hagar to Abram. We have only to consider the Islamic threat to modern society to remind us how one person's mistake can produce horrific results. The Ishmaelites would never have existed except for Sarai's unbelief. But Sarai paid a painful price. From the day Hagar learned she was pregnant, she despised Sarai. Sarai tried to put the blame on Abram for going through with the scheme, but the damage was irreversible. Only God could judge the matter. 

Genesis 16:5 - "Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: ...the LORD judge between me and thee."

Your everything  is His anything! 
plasm 35:27 Let them shout for joy and be glad that favor my righteous cause let them say continually the Lord be magnified which has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.

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