Thursday, March 15, 2018

Be Careful To Praise God

When it comes to time, God desires quality over quantity. 

PRAYER - "Repetitious Prayers"

Jesus said, "When ye pray, use not vain repetitions." Saying forty "Our Fathers" or twenty "Hail, Marys" is vain repetition. Worthless. Yet repetitious prayer is perfectly in order. Five times in the Psalms, David asked God to "make haste" to help him. Twenty-six times he prayed, "Deliver me." Eight times he prayed "Let them be ashamed," over his enemies. Literally dozens of phrases are oft repeated throughout the book of Psalms. Every time you have a need, pray about it, even if it is the one-hundredth time.

Psalms 70:1 - "Make haste, O God, to deliver me."

PRINCIPALS - "David Promised To Praise God"

David wrote 75 of the 150 Psalms. Fifty were anonymous. The rest were written by Asaph, Heman, Solomon, Ethan, and one from Moses. Twenty Psalms are prayers of distress. Each time David cried out to God for help, for salvation, for deliverance, for protection, he also promised to praise God for His blessings. Be careful to praise God for every answered prayer.

Psalms 71:22-24 - "I will also praise thee with the psaltery, ...unto thee will I sing with the harp, ...My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; ...My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness."

PRINCIPLES - "He Maketh Me To Lie Down"

You can fly through life at rat-race speed, or you can slow down and know God. Even if you win the rat-race, you're still a rat. Slow down. Be still and know God. You will not find God in the noise, haste, or insanity. Study to be quiet. If you do not, and yet desire a relationship with God, He will have to slow you down. You may scream and kick against Him, but finally discover the truth. His way is best.

Psalms 23:2 - "He maketh me to lie down..."

PROPHECIES - "Shadows Versus Substance"

Typology Study of click to order prefigurative symbols. Temporal, material things often reveal eternal, spiritual things. David wrote Psalm 72 "for Solomon," a prayer for his son-king. But it is mostly prophetic of the coming kingdom of Christ. Most of its context was NOT fulfilled in Solomon, lending evidence that it truly refers to Jesus.

Psalms 72:5,8,11,17 - "They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, ...He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, ...all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him, ...His name shall endure for ever."

• Think how your life would be changed if you passionately longed for and lived every day as if this would be the moment Jesus would return!

• Spend some time in prayer asking Him to show you where to begin and how to be consistent. 

• When it comes to time, God desires quality over quantity. 

• When we submit our lives to God, we can expect to be led into unfamiliar situations—ones that we wouldn’t choose to step into on our own. 

• Together let’s examine our motives so we can be a blessing to many in this season of open Heavens.

• People often mistreat spiritual gifts as some mysterious, mystical concept that lies outside of the realm of their own lives and relationship with Jesus.

• The first enemy of the heart is guilt. Guilt is the result of having done something we perceive as wrong.

• Your attitude must be that of a servant and a plumb line. #thinkaboutthis

• God wants to break through in your situation and to transform you and strengthen you, causing you to grow in faith. #FAITHmuscles

• Weakness can actually be a good thing in your life if it causes you to depend on God.

• The root of anger is the perception that something has been taken. #DoTheRightThing

Excellent reading: Giving It All Away. . . and Getting It All Back Again, by David Green, CEO and founder of Hobby Lobby. Order the complete book online.

Why do you pray?Ask yourself that question seriously. Every Christian knows they ought to pray. But have ... Click Here 

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