Wisdom Shall Die With You
PRAYER - "Zophar Prods Job To Repent"
Finally, Zophar, Job’s friend, articulated his opinion. He accused Job of
lying and mocking God. "Oh that God would speak, and open his lips against thee." He said that Job deserved more punishment than he was getting. He called Job to stretch out his hands to God and put iniquity far away from him. Like so many people, Zophar could easily see sin in his friend's life, but could not see his own disgusting self-
righteousness. Who are you judging?
lying and mocking God. "Oh that God would speak, and open his lips against thee." He said that Job deserved more punishment than he was getting. He called Job to stretch out his hands to God and put iniquity far away from him. Like so many people, Zophar could easily see sin in his friend's life, but could not see his own disgusting self-
Pastor Mark Riley has blessed us again read Introductory |
Job 11:15,16 - "For then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; ...thou shalt forget thy misery."
PRINCIPALS - "The Hand Of The LORD Hath Wrought This"
Although Job was sick and tormented, he sparred with his "friends." They relentlessly accused him of wrongdoing. Job sarcastically retorted, "No doubt but ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you. But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you." He declared that God rules all creatures - men and beasts, and is supremely wise, making great and powerful men look like fools. Job argued that God does many things that are contradictory to human understanding.
Job 12:9 - "Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?"
PRINCIPLES - "Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust In Him"
Job fired back at Zophar. Let me paraphrase it in common words. "What you know, I know. I would speak to God. I would reason with Him. But not you. You are liars - incompetent doctors. I wish you would just hush up. You grossly misrepresent God. He will reprove you. Why aren't you afraid of Him? Just be quiet and leave me alone." At last, he declared his unflinching intention to trust God, no matter how difficult his trial.
Job 13:15,16 - "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: ...He also shall be my salvation."
PROPHECIES - "He Increaseth The Nations, And Destroyeth Them"
If you remember that the book of Job is the most ancient of all scriptures, then Job, who lived in primitive times, was quite prophetic in these statements. His insights were exceedingly far reaching - all the way to our generation. As great nations fall, and evil men rule, remember that God is in control.
Job 12:18,19, 21,23 - "He looseth the bond of kings, ...He leadeth princes away spoiled, and overthroweth the mighty. ...He poureth contempt upon princes, and weakeneth the strength of the mighty. ...He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again."
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