Thursday, September 13, 2018


Now you have a choice read or listen to bible study!

09.10.18 Two Great Sunday services 1st. Sattilo,MIssissippi at 10am. then 2nd. Trinity, Alabama at 5pm. 

Before we get started I’m going to ask that we all pray.  Let’s start.

Lord, keep the enemy at bay by calming my emotions with the peace of Your presence. Help me to follow Your command and not worry about anything, but pray about everything, with a thankful heart offering up prayers and requests to you so that You can give me that peace that no one can completely understand – a peace that will control the way I think and feel. Remind me, daily, that You are the Only One who can meet my emotional needs so I don’t look to any person for my identity, validation, or for my love tank to be filled. Thank You that You are the God of peace, the God of order, the God who heals my wounds and helps me sort through and make sense of life. You are not the God of chaos or confusion. Fill me with Your Spirit so I may express to others only love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
PRAYER - "I Will Make Them Joyful In My House Of Prayer"

God is always mindful of those who are righteous unto Him, regardless of their significance in the eyes of others. He remembers those who keep His judgments and do justice. He tells even the eunuchs and the strangers who are faithful not to say that they are cut off from the congregation. God promises joy to His people who come into His house to pray.

Isaiah 56:7 - "Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: ...for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people."

PRINCIPALS - "The Marvel Of Messianic Prophecies"

In one chapter, Isaiah declared over forty-five explicit prophecies about Messiah. What are the chances that anyone can accurately prophesy forty-five unique details about a world-changing citizen who will be born 700 years from now, AND that those prophecies will be known by billions around the world? Such is the marvel of Isaiah's prophecies concerning Christ.

Isaiah 53:5,7,9 - "...wounded for our transgressions, ...bruised for our iniquities: ...with his stripes we are healed....brought as a lamb to the slaughter, ...he openeth not his mouth ...he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death."

PRINCIPLES - "Great Shall Be The Peace Of Thy Children"

You who are barren and destitute, sing and rejoice! Your Creator will not leave you empty. Expand your living quarters, because He is going to bless and multiply your family. You felt shamed under His punishments, but they were necessary. Soon you will forget them, when He pours out great mercies on you.

Isaiah 54:13 - "All thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee."

PROPHECIES - "Prophecies Nobody Else Could Fulfill"

Who is this? Tender plant. Root out of dry ground. No form, comeliness, or desirable beauty. Despised. Rejected. Man of sorrows. Acquainted with grief. Wounded for our transgressions. Bruised for our iniquities. Chastised for our peace. Bore stripes for our healing. Bore our iniquities. Taken from prison. Taken from judgment. Cut off from the living. Stricken. Did no violence. Had no deceit in His mouth. Bruised to please the LORD. An offering for sin. Poured out His soul unto death. Numbered with transgressors. NOBODY but Jesus!

Isaiah 53:11 - "My righteous servant [shall] justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities."

Congratulations,  your made it here! Now let’s say a prayer before we end!

Thank You Lord, for Your wonderful kindness, tolerance and patience that leads me to repentance. You understand me. Please give me a gentle humble heart like Yours. Open my heart to understand that we are one in spirit. Your eyes will be open and Your ears are attentive to every prayer made in my heart for You. For You have chosen me and set me apart to be holy - a place where Your name will be honored forever. You will always watch over me, for our time together worshipping You is dear to Your heart. I have Your commandments and keep them. I love You Lord Jesus! Thank You for loving me. Thank You that you love me and show Yourself to me even with compassion as for a child. The love You lavished on me is so great, You call me Your child. You are truly my Shepherd, my Father, my Love. And every one said amen!

As always,  we are asking you to ask the Lord to use us in His perfect will.  Knowing if God before you who can be against you!  Please share this Bible Study!  We the Ashcrafts love you!

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