Sunday, April 22, 2018

Whatever it takes to keep the focus on God, do it!

The call of God is progressive. He will mature you gradually into the fullness of His plan.

             ⬇️THIS IS EXCITING ⤵️

 • You must learn to discern the times and seasons God has already ordained for your life and properly align your actions with His timetable.

PRAYER - "Order My Steps In Your Word"

The 119th Psalm is divided into sections of eight verses each, headed by each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Some call it the "Psalm of the Word of God" because it very repetitiously emphasizes the blessings of observing and obeying the word of God. Its key phrases are very synonymous. Walk in the law. Keep His testimonies. Keep His precepts. Keep His statutes. Respect His commandments. Learn His righteous judgments. Delight in His statutes. Keep His word. We should be so repetitious, to observe His word all day long, every day.

Psalm 119:133 - "Order my steps in thy word."

PRINCIPALS - "Songs Of Degrees"

Fifteen of the psalms (120-134) are called "A Song of degrees." They are synonymously called "Songs of Ascent," "Gradual Psalms," "Songs of Steps," or "Pilgrim Songs." They were traditionally recited as the Jews ascended the steps to the Temple Mount when they came, three times each year, to worship. The kohanim, or priests, also recited them regularly in the course of ministry in the Temple. 

Psalms 130:1-2 - "(A Song of degrees.) Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD. Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications."

PRINCIPLES - "Peaceful As A Weaned Child"

David wrote this song of degrees, stating, "LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child." The gist of this statement is, "I have learned to be humble, peacefully quiet, and patient, and have overcome separation anxiety, knowing that I always have hope in the LORD."

Psalms 131:3 - "Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever."

PROPHECIES - "They That Hate Zion Will Be Confounded"

We live in a world boiling over with Zion-bashers and Zion-haters. Hundreds of millions of people crave to see Israel annihilated, and Jerusalem totally controlled by non-Jews. It is an ancient syndrome. The psalmist reflected on the enemies of Zion. He said, "Let them be as grass that grows on housetops. It withers before it is full-grown. It can never be mown or bound in sheaves." Certainly, God will fulfill this ancient wish, and sooner than you may think.

Psalms 129:5 - "Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion."

             PAST VICTORY ⤴️

•You need God’s people to support you. You will not be able to reach your goals on your own. It takes a team to fulfill a dream! 

•The passion and righteous indignation of the Lord is arising in the hearts of people to take up the sword of the Spirit in prayer to touch heaven through prayer and intercession to bring reformation on the earth.

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