Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Real faith works and believes big, but you must be willing to start small.

PRAYER - "Harden Not Your Heart"

This Psalm admonishes us to "make a joyful noise" to the LORD; ...sing unto the LORD; ...come ...with thanksgiving; ...worship; ..bow down, ...kneel before the LORD our maker; ...For he is our God." Then, a sudden warning: Do not provoke Me as Israel did, by hardening your hearts. I will ban you from entering into My rest. If you fail to worship God as He so richly deserves, you offend Him greatly. It is grim folly to disdain your Creator.

Psalms 95:7-8 - "To day if ye will hear his voice, Harden not your heart, as in the provocation."

PRINCIPALS - "The Right Hand Of God"

No man has seen God, except allegorically in dreams or visions. The eternal Spirit dwells "in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see," 1 Timothy 6:16. Jesus, the fullness of God bodily, dwells at the right hand of the Majesty and is the arm, even the face of God. God reaches down to man through His Son - the man, Jesus Christ.

Psalms 98:1 - "O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvelous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory."

PRINCIPLES - "Light Is Sown For The Righteous"

The LORD reigns majestically. Clouds and darkness obscure Him. Righteousness and judgment fill His throne. Fires consume His enemies. The wonders of nature - lightnings, earthquakes, volcanoes - testify to His glories. Those who serve idols and images must someday worship Him. God's people, (i.e., Zion, daughters of Judah, all His saints) will be preserved and delivered from those wicked. For those who WANT to see, God shines light, revealing His glories. All others are blinded and darkened.

Psalms 97:11 - "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous."

PROPHECIES - "He Cometh To Judge The Earth"

Throughout the Psalms, we are admonished countless times to sing and worship and praise God for all His wonders. "For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens." In addition to praising God, we are commanded to instruct the heathen that God reigns over all. "Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth."

Psalms 96:13 - "For he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth."

• Those that drink the water have to remember those who dug the well.

• Social media doesn’t build character it reveals character!

• A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes.

• When was the last time We tried to see an issue from God’s perspective rather than ask Him to see it from ours.

• I believe that you cannot win your enemies to Christ; you can only win your friends.

• People aren’t going to trust Jesus until they trust you first.

• People usually don’t ask me if the Bible is credible. They want to see that I am credible.

• Treating other people with respect does not mean you have to compromise what you believe.

• We need to fill our kids’ minds with the truth of Scripture so that they can stand firm when faced with trials.

• During those times when you feel overwhelmed and you’ve run out of options, remember that what you have is all God needs to bless you!

• Righteousness is a relationship and lifestyle.

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